भाषा बदलें
हमें कॉल करें: 08045478600
Digital FCBC Battery Charger

डिजिटल FCBC बैटरी चार्जर

29600 आईएनआर/टुकड़ा

उत्पाद विवरण:

  • के लिए उपयुक्त Battery Charging
  • प्रॉडक्ट टाइप
  • इनपुट वोल्टेज वोल्ट (V)
  • उपयोग
  • वोल्टेज रेंज 230VAC
  • वारंटी 1 Year
  • अधिक देखने के लिए क्लिक करें

डिजिटल FCBC बैटरी चार्जर मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 1

डिजिटल FCBC बैटरी चार्जर उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • Battery Charging
  • वोल्ट (V)
  • 1 Year
  • 230VAC

डिजिटल FCBC बैटरी चार्जर व्यापार सूचना

  • प्रति सप्ताह
  • दिन

उत्पाद वर्णन

Digital FCBC Battery Charger uses modern technology, can perfectly charge any battery with precision in charging, and provides reliability in its performance. This charger has a smart digital control that ensures speedy and perfect charging. The circuit is engineered to allow a continuous flow of power to the battery without any interruptions, even if there are changes in the voltage levels or battery capacity. This charger is really smart because it can charge things faster and make the battery last longer. Digital FCBC Battery Charger is really great because it has a lot of different ways you can use it and it's all super advanced with the latest technology.
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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
मोबाइल number


बैटरी चार्जर अन्य उत्पाद

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